Getting the bus ready for Pioneer Day in Hazelton. The Book Bus will be parked in Old Town for the afternoon on Saturday. See you there! 🙂
Learners Opportunity Group Society
Today, the Book Bus visits Anspayaxw and Sik-e-dakh, starting by the mailboxes in Anspayaxw at 2:15. I’ll sit there for about half an hour and then drive around the village a bit. I expect to be in Sik-e-dakh by about 3:20.
Reminder: today’s Book Bus run to Hazelton, Gitanmaax, and Two Mile is cancelled due to a medical appointment. However, the Book Bus will be in Old Town for the afternoon on Saturday for Pioneer Day.
This Wednesday’s Book Bus run to Hazelton, Gitanmaax, and Two Mile is cancelled due to a medical appointment. However, the bus will be in Old Town for the afternoon on Saturday for Pioneer Day. See you then! 🙂
I’ll be in the Gitwangak hall parking lot until about 3:20, maybe a bit longer if I can take the heat.
I’ll be in Gitwangak in a few minutes. Skeena Trading, Wolf Street, then the hall parking lot.
It’s the Western Run today, starting at the Kitwanga General Store at noon, then on to Gitanyow and Gitwangak.
It’s Gitsegukla and South Hazelton today, starting at the health station in Gitsegukla about 2 pm. I’ll move up to the 10-plex by 2:30 and then cruise around a bit if there’s time. I expect to be by the old elementary school in South Hazelton by 3:30 pm.
On my way now to Allen Park in New Hazelton. I’ll stay there for about fifteen minutes.
Today, the Book Bus visits New Hazelton and Tse-kya, starting at Roche View Lodge at 2 pm. I expect to be at the Red Apple parking lot by 2:20 and on Alderway Loop in Tse-kya after 3.